By Jerome S. Kaufman
On March 15, 2011, the Heritage Foundation sponsored a telecast featuring Dinesh D’Souza, President of King’s College New York and author of the best selling book, Roots of Obama’s Rage. After introducing himself, D’Souza got right into an in-depth analysis of current US President Barack Obama. Obama is the product of an unusual family history, far different from most Americans or people anywhere, for that matter. To say Obama is the product of his parentage and previous environment is a gross understatement.
D’Souza first described his own difficulty understanding Obama. Who did Obama represent, what were his ambitions, his goals, his mind set, etc.? D’Souza concluded that Obama was a different leader from previous Democrats – especially different from so-called liberals like Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton.
There are a host of theories trying to explain Obama. By the Right he has many different designations – a Progressive, a conventional Liberal, a Socialist, a Muslim, not born an American, an alien. But, all of these javelins bounce off Obama with no effect or just glancing blows. He continues to act in apparently mysterious ways – not easily explained. If he were truly a Socialist he would have tried to command the means of production. But, Obama did not nationalize banks but rather infused capital to them. Another inconsistency: Recently banks wanted to pay back their government loan and get off the hook with the Obama administration. But, Obama did not want to take their money. Rather he insisted that the bank undergo some sort of stress test before allowing them off the hook? Why?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Obama Justice Department worked hand-in-hand with the far-left ACLU

Dear Concerned Citizen:
Did you hear that the Obama Justice Department worked hand-in-hand with the far-left ACLU to bring a lawsuit against Arizona for passing a tough anti-illegal immigration law?
That’s right. Obama’s liberal lawyers at his Justice Department are in full collusion with the ACLU to do everything they can to stop Arizona’s SB1070 from becoming law. This new law would have strengthened law enforcement’s ability to identify, arrest and detain those who are in this country illegally.
Several emails were obtained between Justice lawyers and their friends at the ACLU. In one exchange, a government lawyer tells his ACLU buddy that it’s a “real pleasure to be on the same side.”
Same side of what? Aren’t these federal employees supposed to be acting in the best interest of the citizens of the United States? If the Justice Department and the ACLU are on the same side, where does that leave the rest of us?
The ACLU collaborated with several far-left extremist organizations to file a lawsuit to block Arizona’s tough illegal immigration law. But who would have thought they’d be teaming up directly with the Department of Justice.
This is an outrage! But it also may clear up why the Department of Justice has had a “civil rights” investigation against me for almost two years now. They’re probably taking direction from the ACLU, one of my worst enemies.
Because I have taken the lead over the years by enforcing existing state and federal laws against illegal immigration, I have become the target of attack by radical, left-wing, open-borders extremists.
I’ve been sued, picketed, burned in effigy and even had the Reverend Al Sharpton come to Phoenix – TWICE! – to march on my headquarters. Some have even gone so far as to call for my assassination! And, the Mexican Drug Cartels have put a $1 MILLION BOUNTY on my head.
What these extremists really want is a Sheriff who will look the other way, be silent and allow the charade to continue, while ignoring the laws of our land. That, I promise, will never happen.
I won’t back down. I won’t surrender to politicians, thugs or drug dealers! And I certainly won’t back down to the far-left ACLU!
But I desperately need your help. It's going to take a lot of resources to combat the attacks and false allegations against me and my deputies — as well as the latest talk about a recall campaign to remove me from office. We anticipate the hardest campaign in history to remove me due to my unyielding stance on illegal immigration enforcement.
I cannot compete with the local and national media machines that distort my record and the job I’m doing to protect this country. And, I don’t have the personal resources to defend myself from these vicious attacks.
That’s why I’m writing to you. I have to go directly to the people for their support. I need good people like you in this country to stand behind me and help me fight this fight.
Will you join me? I desperately need your help now. My election has been targeted as the frontline in the battle to end illegal immigration. We must win this battle.
Your financial support today is so critical. Please contribute here right now and make a much needed contribution. Any amount you can offer today is tremendously appreciated. I promise I will not let you down.
The fight starts now. Please help me. I pledge to you that I will never give up or surrender. Thank you for your support.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County
Friday, March 25, 2011
Florida Judge Orders Use of Islamic Law in Mosque Case
A Tampa judge is under fire after ruling that he will follow Islamic law in a case against a local mosque that ultimately could decide who controls $2.2 million in state money.
Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen said he will decide in a lawsuit against a local mosque, the Islamic Education Center of Tampa, " whether the parties in the litigation properly followed the teachings of the Koran in obtaining an arbitration decision from an Islamic scholar," reports.
"This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law," the judge wrote in his March 3 ruling.
Read more on Florida Judge Orders Use of Islamic Law in Mosque Case
Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen said he will decide in a lawsuit against a local mosque, the Islamic Education Center of Tampa, " whether the parties in the litigation properly followed the teachings of the Koran in obtaining an arbitration decision from an Islamic scholar," reports.
"This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law," the judge wrote in his March 3 ruling.
Read more on Florida Judge Orders Use of Islamic Law in Mosque Case
Dems Rip Obama on Libya, Bring Up 'Impeachable Offense'
Nine liberal Democrats have found something they agree with Republicans on: President Barack Obama’s authorization of military strikes on Libya without congressional consent is unconstitutional.
Those Democrats join GOP critics, including Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and tea party favorite Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. And Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio even suggested that Obama’s action could be an “impeachable offense.”
Rand Paul
Sen. Paul points out that Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says “Congress shall have power to declare war.”
Read more on Dems Rip Obama on Libya, Bring Up 'Impeachable Offense'
Those Democrats join GOP critics, including Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and tea party favorite Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. And Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio even suggested that Obama’s action could be an “impeachable offense.”
Rand Paul
Sen. Paul points out that Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says “Congress shall have power to declare war.”
Read more on Dems Rip Obama on Libya, Bring Up 'Impeachable Offense'
FBI chief confirms ties cut with U.S. Muslim group
Agency bans outreach due to terrorist links
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
In stunning testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of the FBI
explained his agency has cut off ties to the most influential Muslim organization in America due to concerns over its leaders' association with terrorism.
Since the Justice Department linked the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations to a 2008 terror-finance case, the FBI has refused to work directly with the group's national office or any of its 30-plus chapters across the country.
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
In stunning testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of the FBI
explained his agency has cut off ties to the most influential Muslim organization in America due to concerns over its leaders' association with terrorism.
Since the Justice Department linked the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations to a 2008 terror-finance case, the FBI has refused to work directly with the group's national office or any of its 30-plus chapters across the country.
A Doctor's Check-up on the 1-Year-Old Health Law
A year ago this week, Congress passed nearly 2,700 pages of health legislation virtually no one had read in their entirety. Despite opposition from members of their own party and the majority of Americans, congressional Democrats passed a bill fattened with sweetheart deals that further distorted one sixth of our economy.
Now, a year later, Americans are still reeling from the consequences of that congressional action. Despite a multi-million-dollar effort to boost the popularity of the law, including ads paid for by taxpayers, a majority of the American people still reject the law, and for good reason. A mountain of nonpartisan evidence shows the overhaul continues to wreak havoc on the pocketbooks and health of millions of Americans.
Consider the issue of consumer cost. Cost is the main access problem for most Americans, yet the controversial overhaul slams middle-class Americans with a $813 billion tax increase while directly increasing the cost of health coverage, drugs, and medical devices.
It is not only consumers who will suffer under the law. Under the overhaul, 18 million Americans will be forced onto Medicaid. One tally pegs the cost of Medicaid changes to states, many of which are struggling to balance their budgets, at around $118 billion. As a result, states will continue to spend a disproportionate share of their budget on Medicaid while governors cut other programs to pay for burdensome federal mandates.
Now, a year later, Americans are still reeling from the consequences of that congressional action. Despite a multi-million-dollar effort to boost the popularity of the law, including ads paid for by taxpayers, a majority of the American people still reject the law, and for good reason. A mountain of nonpartisan evidence shows the overhaul continues to wreak havoc on the pocketbooks and health of millions of Americans.
Consider the issue of consumer cost. Cost is the main access problem for most Americans, yet the controversial overhaul slams middle-class Americans with a $813 billion tax increase while directly increasing the cost of health coverage, drugs, and medical devices.
It is not only consumers who will suffer under the law. Under the overhaul, 18 million Americans will be forced onto Medicaid. One tally pegs the cost of Medicaid changes to states, many of which are struggling to balance their budgets, at around $118 billion. As a result, states will continue to spend a disproportionate share of their budget on Medicaid while governors cut other programs to pay for burdensome federal mandates.
Armed Beauty Queen Fatally Shoots Intruder in Florida Home Invasion
When a burly ex-convict forced his way into a posh Florida home last week, he had no idea what awaited him -- a 25-year-old beauty queen with a pink .38-caliber handgun.
Meghan Brown, a former Florida pageant queen, shot and killed 42-year-old Albert Franklin Hill during a home invasion March 12 at the 2,732-square-foot house she shares with her fiance in Tierra Verde, Fla.
Hill barged into the home at around 3 a.m. after Brown responded to a knock at the front door, according to a police report. He allegedly grabbed the 110-pound Brown around her nose and mouth and dragged her to an upstairs bedroom.
Meghan Brown, a former Florida pageant queen, shot and killed 42-year-old Albert Franklin Hill during a home invasion March 12 at the 2,732-square-foot house she shares with her fiance in Tierra Verde, Fla.
Hill barged into the home at around 3 a.m. after Brown responded to a knock at the front door, according to a police report. He allegedly grabbed the 110-pound Brown around her nose and mouth and dragged her to an upstairs bedroom.
Obama: 'President Does Not Have Power Under Constitution to Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack'
As a presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) emphatically stated that the Constitution does not give the president the authority to unilaterally authorize a military attack unless it is needed to stop an actual or imminent attack on the United States.
Obama made the assertion in a Dec. 20, 2007 interview with the Boston Globe when reporter Charlie Savage asked him under what circumstances the president would have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without first seeking authorization from Congress.
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Obama responded.
Obama made the assertion in a Dec. 20, 2007 interview with the Boston Globe when reporter Charlie Savage asked him under what circumstances the president would have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without first seeking authorization from Congress.
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Obama responded.
Obama: Drill, Brazil, Drill!
Energy Policy: While leaving U.S. oil and jobs in the ground, our itinerant president tells a South American neighbor that we'll help it develop its offshore resources so we can one day import its oil. WHAT?!?
His "What, me worry?" presidency has given both Americans and our allies plenty to worry about. But in the process of making nice with Brazil, Obama made a mind-boggling announcement that should make even his most loyal supporter cringe:
We will help Brazil develop its offshore oil so we can one day import it.
We have noted this double standard before, particularly when — at a time when the president was railing against tax incentives for U.S. oil companies — we supported the U.S. Export-Import Bank's plan to lend $2 billion to Brazil's state-run Petrobras with the promise of more to follow.
Now, with a seven-year offshore drilling ban in effect off of both coasts, on Alaska's continental shelf and in much of the Gulf of Mexico — and a de facto moratorium covering the rest — Obama tells the Brazilians:
"We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers."
His "What, me worry?" presidency has given both Americans and our allies plenty to worry about. But in the process of making nice with Brazil, Obama made a mind-boggling announcement that should make even his most loyal supporter cringe:
We will help Brazil develop its offshore oil so we can one day import it.
We have noted this double standard before, particularly when — at a time when the president was railing against tax incentives for U.S. oil companies — we supported the U.S. Export-Import Bank's plan to lend $2 billion to Brazil's state-run Petrobras with the promise of more to follow.
Now, with a seven-year offshore drilling ban in effect off of both coasts, on Alaska's continental shelf and in much of the Gulf of Mexico — and a de facto moratorium covering the rest — Obama tells the Brazilians:
"We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers."
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